Thursday, November 30, 2006

Speaking at Photo Expo

I had the immense privilege of speaking the Pakenham Photo Barn Photo Expo yesterday, instructing the attendees there in ways of improving in their photography. The event was a huge success with hundreds attending from all parts of Melbourne. I spoke on three topics, which rotated during the course of the day - Ten Tips to Better Pictures, Improving Your Travel Photography and Taking Better People Pictures. It goes without saying that I was getting rather tongue tied by the end of the day. Nonetheless, I enjoy teaching and public speaking and I am always encouraged when I can help others to improve in their photography.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was there at the expo and your talks where enlightening. You spoke in plain and simple language which i found extremely intersting and motivating - thanks

The Life, Times and Images of photographer, Shelton Muller

Images on this blog are copyright Shelton Muller