Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Nikon's new D700.

Those who know me know that I do love my Nikons. With the release of the latest in their line of fabulous DSLR's comes the new Nikon D700, complete with what Nikon call their FX sensor. This is a 35mm sized sensor that they have correctly referred to as FX and not 'full frame'. Every sensor is full frame. Its just that the size of the frame varies.
I have been kindly asked to host a pre-launch of this fabulous camera in Melbourne and as such have been asked to show how brilliantly the sensor in this camera provides accurate skin tones and how incomprehensibly well it handles in low light. This image was captured at ISO 3200 and, apart from sizing it down, is straight from the camera.
This is a close-up, showing the lack of noise at 3200 ISO.As you can see, there is such little noise that it took me quite a bit of zooming before I encountered anything worth mentioning.
It is said that photographers who have purchased the Nikon D3 rarely see the need to rate their ISO below 800 as it makes little difference to the human eye. That is quite something. I varely rarely like to rate my D200 anywhere above that, with noice becoming quite evident at around 800.
I will be getting a D700. No doubt about it.
For me, a person who likes to 'find the light and put 'em in it', it is an ideal choice of camera. In the brief time I have had to use it I have found that it prepares jpegs with accurate colour and perfect metering, meaning that with the hundreds of images I capture at each wedding there will require less time for post processing, such as white balance and colour corrections. It will save me much time and produce images that can be used straight from the camera. As yet I have not seen a camera produce such beautiful jpegs as I have from the D3 and the D700.

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The Life, Times and Images of photographer, Shelton Muller

Images on this blog are copyright Shelton Muller