Sunday, April 12, 2009

Creative Wedding Photography Workshop

Yesterday I once again enjoyed my day teaching photography at another workshop. This was the Creative Wedding Photography workshop in which I teach the basics of light, posing the intricate logistics and demands placed upon the wedding photographer. As you can imagine, this isn't easy to do, and in fact cannot really be taught in one day. However, it is designed to teach those who attend the principles that would get them through a wedding day or to perhaps assist those who are presently shooting a few weddings and having difficulties with them.
Wedding photography is without doubt among the most challenging tasks ever placed before a photographer. I am honoured each time I am asked to photograph a wedding. While my work is admired by many (and I am indeed grateful for their kindness) I am still complimented by the trust placed in my abilities to adequately provide for the couple on their Day of Days.
There were some lovely comments from those in attendance yesterday. It is always rewarding to see people learning and enjoying the glow that comes with producing lovely images. Thanks to Camera Action for sponsoring the event. Thanks also to Jennie Kellet and Chirath Pathirana for being such wonderful models.


Carol Browne said...

Beautiful! I just love that last photo with the bride looking up and sitting in a cloud of a wedding dress. It's just lovely.

Shelton Muller said...

Thanks Carol! I am rather pleased with it myself I must admit!

The Life, Times and Images of photographer, Shelton Muller

Images on this blog are copyright Shelton Muller