Mark and Jo are not only newly weds, they are new arrivals. They have only been in Australia for a couple of weeks, having moved from the UK to start a new life here. They booked my services as a photographer while overseas.
So, I turned up to begin photographing their wedding without having met either of them. I think we were both pleasantly surprised. I was a fun loving photographer, which was just what they wanted. They were a happy, fun loving couple, very easy going.
Perhaps too...easygoing.
Candid, taken with my lovely new Tamron 180mm f3.5 MacroGetting this fun loving couple to stop laughing and socialising over champagnes after the ceremony was the hardest part! I spent most of my day taking candids! Now,don't get me wrong. Candids are fine. They are pure, natural images - the kind all couples want. But they also want some lovely wedding portraits also. And, so do I! Well, I hope they like their candids coz the formals are few and far between!
And thanks for the fun- both of you. You nearly killed me! ;-)