To celebrate, Nikon hosted a wonderful evening at The Mint in Sydney. All my old friends and fellow editors and journalists were there and it was good to catch up with them all. My only problem was that the airline with which I had travelled from Rockhampton to Sydney had not sent my luggage with me so I had to resort to buying a clean shirt just to attend. While all were in suits and ties, I managed to get the time to buy a clean shirt and iron my jeans...I could have just said I was being Bohemian I suppose.

The D3 and D300 are incredible pieces of equipment. For the photographers present,nd a studio was established allowing all to prove for themselves what these cameras can do. A press conference was also held in which we journalists could field questions to the big wigs at Nikon. That was interesting to say the least, especially when the subject of Nikon software not being packaged with Nikon cameras came up...

Three well-known Australian photographers were interviewed, each of them having been given a fair time to use and test the cameras. Their comments were nothing but favourable, despite being given free reign about what they could say. The D3 was particularly favoured for its accurate metering and white balance and incredible detail and low noise in high ISO images. We saw for ourselves what a D3 rated at 6400 ISO could produce at a 20x30 inch enlargement! Compared to its Canon rival...well there just wasn't a comparison...Sorry.

1 comment:
Also impressed by the dual CF card slot in the D3 with it's various write abilities - might just have to scrape together the 6 large ones!!
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