Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kodak PictureMaker DVD slideshows.

This is a video taken from a very high quality DVD that I made in a matter of minutes yesterday while shooting for Kodak. The new PictureMaker Kiosks have a facility by which you can take a maximum of 60 images, add music (that Kodak has the rights for and is available on the Kiosk) and then simply click 'Done'. The PictureMaker then synchronises the images and adds transitions, pans and zooms. This is very handy for family holiday slideshows and even quick wedding DVD's, etc. I was quite impressed!


Willie said...

wonder if n exec at Kodak has iPhoto?

Any Mac user has been doing this for years!


BTW, "big Country' woulda been better over images from Scotland - it does refer to Rob Roy after all - take a trip there and shoot some!!!

Shelton Muller said...

One day, Bill. One Day. I would love to photograph Scotland!
As for the song choice, I had to choose from the songs that Kodak had on the Kiosk and this one was the most fitting.

Willie said...

let's do the trip then.

Alba gu brath!

The Life, Times and Images of photographer, Shelton Muller

Images on this blog are copyright Shelton Muller